Monday, June 18, 2012

Maeve the mermaid

Maeve loves to "swim" by walking around the shallow area with her hands.

Maeve loves the Alma water park.  She did complain that there were more "places for big kids" and not enough "places for little kids".  I told her that two kiddie pools and a splash pad seemed like a lot to me. Oh well.

Maeve puts her face in the water.  We are working on putting her whole head in.

Getting ready to blow some bubbles.

Maeve playing in the sprinklers on the splash pad

Maeve having one of her many "music video" moments. She is constantly dancing and singing.  I can't always understand what she is saying.  When I ask her if she is speaking English.  She gets annoyed and says, "No!"

1 comment:

Paulette said...

So vary Maeve...such a darling girl.