Saturday, May 11, 2013

Maeve trying to feed the hungry...

I am so proud of my giving, generous girl....

 A container of mostly eaten cream cheese, three eggs and some old chicken nuggets from McDonalds..
One Sunday, a church group came through our neighborhood looking for can goods to give to poor people in our community.  Maeve got very inspired to feed people in need.  She really, really, really wanted to go door to door asking people for food for poor people.  I told her that that was a wonderful idea and something that we can do someday but not today.  While Patrick and I were making dinner, Maeve snuck into the refridgerator and filled up her Princess Easter basket with food. She then went outside and sat on the curb waiting for a poor person to walk by.  Kent came in and said, "MOM, Maeve is outside giving our food to poor people!"

A Maeve quote on poverty: "Mom, do you that some people don't have houses? Other people know how to make houses but they don't make them! They just sit in their houses, watching tv and sucking on candy bars!"

Good grief! Sucking on candy bars? Where is she learning this stuff?

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Maeve, you are so funny!
Great pictures of Tulip Time! We had a great time and look forward to next year!